The sixth item on my Finish List is to read 12 non-fiction books this year, basically one a month. I love to read, and I read a lot, but quite a bit of what I read is fiction, and because I read several things at a time I have this bad habit of starting a lot of book but not finishing many. I think I finished maybe 4 books last year. Here’s what my reading list looks like so far:

Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy by Eric Metaxas
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson
Leaders Who Last by Dave Kraft
The Great Divorce by CS Lewis
Veneer: Living Deeply in a Surface Society by Timothy D. Willard and Jason Lacy
The Church Can Change The World by Jimmy Seibert

I’m looking to add one more biography, and it’s between the Tina Fey, Jane Lynch, and Rob Lowe ones right now. I also want to add two more “classics” along the lines of The Great Divorce. Lastly, I’m looking to add three business leadership books. So. If you’ve got ideas for any of those, let me know. Thanks!

Grace & Peace,